Campaign finance reform: Washed away in a tidal wave of money

Oct 21, 2020, 7:31 AM

Former President Bill Clinton, former first lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Vic...

Former President Bill Clinton, former first lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Vice President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

(Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

In the midst of all the sound and fury of the campaign, you may not have noticed that Democrats have entirely abandoned one of their favorite issues of the past two decades.

In 2020, you hear nothing about campaign finance reform, or long-standing liberal hopes of limiting citizens and companies in supporting their favorite causes.

As recently as 2012, Obama, Hillary, and other prominent liberals spoke of amending the Constitution to strike down the Citizens United case that made it easier for corporations to participate in ongoing public debate.

Why have Democrats dropped that point of view? Because Joe Biden has uncorked a gusher of money — breaking all records, outspending Trump by more than three to one on TV ads in key swing states. Four years ago, Hillary also outspent Trump but lost the election.

Biden’s runaway spending should strip Democrats of any ongoing ability to attack their opponents for trying to “buy” elections.

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Campaign finance reform: Washed away in a tidal wave of money