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KIRO Newsradio Commentaries

Your favorite KIRO Newsradio hosts deliver bite-sized commentary on the people and events making news in your world.
May 29, 2024

Angela Poe Russell: It’s time to reimagine public restrooms

In cities throughout the country and here at home, business and public facilities are grappling with how to reimagine public restrooms to be more inclusive. In today’s Comme...   (03:24)
May 28, 2024

Dave Ross: An ovation like no other

Last week on Seattle's Morning News, Dave Ross learned about a performance at Benroya Hall featuring a Ukrainian Orchestra. He attended the show and reflected on what he saw.    (02:39)
May 24, 2024

Travis Mayfield: Beloved Teacher Forced Out Because of Who He Dates?

By all counts, Jacob Knight was a loved and top performing 5th grade teacher. Parents jockeyed to get their kids into his class. Kids adored him. The district gave him the highest...   (03:22)
May 23, 2024

Dave Ross: Living defensively has its limits when facing 'forever chemicals'

I heard Angela’s commentary yesterday about pedestrians and how they tend to think of a crosswalk as having a protective force field because the law says it’s the driv...   (03:08)
May 22, 2024

Angela Poe Russell: An Important PSA for Pedestrians

You ever heard that saying, you can be dead right? That definitely applies to today’s commentary which Angela Poe Russell has deemed a timely public service announcement.   (03:34)
May 21, 2024

Matt Markovich: Who do you trust telling the truth?

There's some startling revelations coming from a new poll about artificial intelligence and the presidential election.   It basically says - don't trust anyone.   So who...   (02:42)
May 20, 2024

Dave Ross: Don't look to the government to protect kids from social media

Planning on the government saving your kids from social media? You might want to have a plan B.   (03:14)
May 17, 2024

Travis Mayfield: We’re All a Little Sus, But We Also Can Do Better

This week our son called me sus. Its short for suspect and gen alpha slang for shady. He’s not wrong. I still call things cool or awesome without irony. I often wear ankle s...   (03:33)
May 16, 2024

Ted Buehner: Confidence is key when it comes to emergency preparedness

The time is now for Washington to learn from last summer's tragic Lahaina fires, KIRO Radio Meteorologist Ted Buehner explains why.    (03:05)
May 15, 2024

Angela Poe Russell: What we can all learn from Harrison Butker’s shocking speech

That’s why the commencement speech by Kansas City Chiefs Kicker Harrison Butker caught me off guard. His theme: Stay in your lane. But he spent the first 15 minutes veering ...   (03:39)
May 14, 2024

Matt Markovich: What do President Joe Biden and Sammy Sosa have in common?

President Biden's weekend visit inconvenienced a lot of people -  and for what. In today's commentary, KIRO's Matt Markovich says his visit is no different from what baseball's Sammy Sosa is doing.   (02:41)
May 13, 2024

Dave Ross: Regulate the modern day "Slam Book"

We as broadcasters are held responsible for what we put out on the airwaves, so why not treat social media companies and the content they produce the same way?    (03:01)
May 10, 2024

Travis Mayfield: State Lawmakers Must Fix Broken School Funding System

This week the school board of Seattle Public Schools voted to move forward with a plan that could lead to the closure of over ¼ of the district’s current elementary s...   (03:58)
May 9, 2024

Paul Holden: Washington state has the right idea when it comes to sports betting

Washington state has unique laws when it comes to sports betting, allowing it, but only at casinos. Paul Holden used to scoff at this law, but now, after being able to bet without that restricition, he's changed his mind.    (03:00)
May 8, 2024

Angela Poe Russell: Don’t fall for this trap when watching the news

As protests continue on college campuses, so does the constant media coverage. In today’s commentary, Angela Poe Russell discusses why some of it is lacking.   (03:14)
May 6, 2024

Dave Ross: The struggle for authenticity

Is the new era of politicians more or less authentic than their counterparts? Dave Ross uses South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem as an example       (03:37)
May 3, 2024

Travis Mayfield: Congress Must Act Aggressively To Protect Us From Scammers

So many of us think we are too smart to be scammed. But what if you get scammed by no fault of your own…and everything you own is at risk?   (03:24)
May 2, 2024

Spike O'Neil: Is it really a operating at a loss if you are bringing good health?

Recently, Walmart announced that they will be closing all 51 healthcare and telehealth facilities across multiple states. This after promises to expand these community enriching p...   (02:49)
May 1, 2024

Dave Ross: We built it and they better come

A surprising number of people checked out the grand opening of the new "2" light rail line. And while that brings promise, are the areas around the line ready for the change the line might bring?    (03:06)
April 30, 2024

Matt Butler: Time for food delivery apps to "Pay Up"

App companies have figured out how to offload the costs of maintenance, insurance, and the ever-variable and rising cost of gas, onto the employee. Which is smart business. But al...   (03:06)
April 29, 2024

Dave Ross: Does the right to protest outweigh the right to learn?

Dave Ross reflects on the protests he experienced during his time at Cornell and the impacts they had on his college experience and how he views the protests happening on today's college campuses.    (03:17)
April 26, 2024

Charlie Harger: White House Press’ ‘Nerd Prom’ is a bad look

It’s the event where journalists, who usually report on the White House, instead wine-and-dine with the president, political leaders, lobbyists and a who’s who of D.C....   (04:11)
April 25, 2024

Jack Stine: Choosing kindness over bitterness

Recently, Jack Stine had a major philosophic shift in my personal life that has resulted in me being a happier and joyful person.    (03:04)
April 24, 2024

Angela Poe Russell: Some free answers for Seattle School’s $100,000 question.

It’s the $100,000 question. Why is enrollment declining at Seattle Public Schools? It received a grant of that amount to investigate the matter. But in today’s comment...   (03:19)
April 23, 2024

Matt Markovich: Compassion needs accountability

A pastor friend of mine has a personal policy that whenever a street beggar asks him for money, he gives them whatever he has in his pocket.   He says sometimes it painful wh...   (02:38)
April 22, 2024

Dave Ross: Back to the Eclipse

Dave Ross shares his thoughts on being in the path of totality duirng his recent vacation    (02:58)
April 18, 2024

Spike O'Neil: Provide a Bed, a Bath, and help take people Beyond their struggles

Spike O'Neil loves art, but thinks the plans to convert an old Bed Bath and Beyond to an art space, isn't the right move.    (02:30)
April 17, 2024

Angela Poe Russell: Looking at the death of O.J. Simpson

O.J. Simpson death reminds the U.S. of its persistent judicial problem. Angela Poe Russell says.    (03:36)
April 15, 2024

Jack Stine: Random acts of kindness keep our society functioning

“I gave a stranger on the internet money for bras” is a phrase which will usually illicit a series of uncomfortable questions. ‘Was it an onlyfans girl?’ &...   (03:23)
April 12, 2024

Travis Mayfield on grief and the loss of his son

"It has been eight years and two days since our son Tommy died," Travis Mayfield said on Friday, April 12, 2024. He was 2 1/2 years old when he passed away.    (03:44)
April 11, 2024

Greg Tomlin: Maybe aging rock stars keep performing for reasons outside of money

Life on the road seems par for the course rather than anomalous for these aging rock stars who continue to tour late in their lives.    (04:12)
April 10, 2024

Angela Poe Russell: You never know where your next big life lesson will come from.

At SeaTac airport, while getting on the train that takes you to various gates, I saw something I’ve seen dozens of times before. But never thought much of it. The train door...   (03:31)
April 8, 2024

Greg Tomlin: A Perfect Spring Break Staycation

Spring Break is a time for trips for many, but that isn't always case for some families. This year, Greg Tomlin and his family decided that instead of dealing with the hustle and ...   (03:20)
April 5, 2024

Travis Mayfield: LGBTQ People Show True Heart In Face of Hateful New Laws

48-thousand paper hearts of every color fluttered through the air inside the Idaho State Capitol rotunda this week. Travis Mayfield tells us why this was a a response to hate    (03:08)
April 4, 2024

Spike O'Neil: Holding out for a warmer Summer

Spike O'Neil reminds us to hang in there, the sunny skies are almost here to stay!    (02:21)
April 2, 2024

Angela Poe Russell: Why Florida's social media law is a step in the right direction

Florida's governor and the legislature have been on a roll lately with several controversial legislative actions. However, one of them is worth replicating.   (03:34)
April 2, 2024

Paul Holden: Seeking out solitude

Sometimes, it's okay to just do something by yourself. Science even backs it up!    (02:57)
April 1, 2024

Dave Ross: A 21st century solution to work stress

Less stress through science.    (03:04)
March 29, 2024

Travis Mayfield: Despite What You’ve Heard, New City Council Isn’t Failing…Yet

There's a lot of chatter about the new Seattle City Council, shouldn't part of the conversation be allowing for time so they can do their job?    (03:04)
March 28, 2024

Paul Holden: Anything is possible on Opening Day

There's no day like Opening Day, and in today's commentary brought to you by WA FED Bank, KIRO News Radio's Paul Holden explains why.     (03:10)
March 27, 2024

Angela Poe Russell: What is often misunderstood about sex trafficking

It was confirmed yesterday music mogul Sean P Diddy Combs is indeed the target of a federal investigation by Homeland Security. The accusations center around sex trafficking. In t...   (04:29)
March 26, 2024

Jack Stine: Small Goals, Big Results

Sometimes to get where we want to go in life and do the things we want to do, we need to set smaller, more acheviable goals.    (03:09)
March 25, 2024

Dave Ross: Bashing Electric Vehicles

It sure seems like electric vehicles are becoming a political issue, but should we be having an even bigger conversation about cars in general?    (02:59)
March 22, 2024

Travis Mayfield: Cantwell Must Not Obstruct Full Senate From Debating TikTok’s Future

MAGA Republican Jim Jordan and San Francisco Liberal Democrat Nancy Pelosi agree on almost nothing these days. Yet last week…something changed   (05:42)
March 21, 2024

Jack Stine: Identifying Bias

Recently, I have been on the receiving end of quite a few comments that follow a similar structure “you are biased.” It got me thinking about how we have been conditio...   (03:05)
March 20, 2024

Angela Poe Russell: The bold policy every school should adopt now

It’s a theme in movies that’s so cliche. Teenagers in cliques. The jocks, the drama kids, the band, The nerds and then the hot guy or girl. Last I checked most kids actually don’t fit into a single box   (04:32)
March 16, 2024

Travis Mayfield: Including LGBTQ+ people in curriculum benefits all students

"When you are the only person who identifies as LGBTQ+ in your school, seeing others who identify as you do in the lessons you learn can help you feel less alone," Travis Mayfield says.   (04:53)
March 12, 2024

Angela Poe Russell: There's something different about Ciara

Angela Poe Russell: There's something different about Ciara    (03:47)
March 12, 2024

Matt Markovich: Legislature

Markovich: Legislature   (03:02)
March 11, 2024

Blame Game

Blame Game   (03:33)
March 8, 2024

Travis Mayfield: Democracy on fire

Mayfield commentary    (04:49)
March 7, 2024

Jack Stine: We all deserve to fly first class

For the first time in my life, I flew First Class. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not bragging about having ‘John Curley’ levels of income. I bought the ticket 4 ...   (03:20)
March 6, 2024

Angela Poe Russell: DEI’s secret weapon or DEI’s unlikely ally

DEI is definitely pushing some buttons these days and seems to be losing steam in the job market. According to employment website Indeed, DEI-related job postings in 2023 declined...   (04:16)
February 29, 2024

Women's History Month

Women's History Month    (04:17)
February 28, 2024

Angela Poe Russell on Beyoncé's big splash into country music

Beyonce's big splash into the genre has people passionately debating exactly what real country music is But Angela says it may be distracting us from the real conversation we need to have.    (04:01)
February 26, 2024

Ross: Conservative activist earns applause for pledging an 'end of Democracy'

In yet another prediction of democracy's demise, I heard this clip quite a lot over the weekend. "Welcome, I just wanted to say welcome to the end of democracy. We're here to over...   (03:57)
February 23, 2024

Travis Mayfield: New President Deserves Space to Help SPU Find Way Forward

It’s inauguration day today at Seattle Pacific University.  A new President will be sworn in and huge challenges await this new leader.  A divisive culture war. &n...   (05:23)
February 22, 2024

New President at SPU deserves chance

New President at SPU deserves chance   (05:23)
February 22, 2024

Jack Stine is leaving social media behind

Saving our souls from the draining experience of social media      (02:53)
February 21, 2024

Angela Poe Russell on the double edged sword of success

Warren buffet summed up what many of us know to be true: "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” And I’ll add, if social media is involved, even faster.   (03:56)
February 20, 2024

Housing bill

Housing bill    (03:29)
February 19, 2024

Elections: Culling the herd

Let’s remember that just about every occupant of a higher office once occupied a lower office, and was put there by us.  That's why voters have an obligation to weed out the bad ones as early in their careers as possible.   (03:05)
February 16, 2024

Elementary students reading weighty content

Elementary students reading weighty content   (04:23)
February 15, 2024


REET   (04:10)
February 13, 2024

Brewer: Rent Control

Brewer: Rent Control   (03:45)
February 12, 2024

Super Bowl

Super Bowl   (03:17)
February 7, 2024

Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz   (02:48)
February 6, 2024

WSJ Editorial

WSJ Editorial   (03:28)
February 5, 2024


Border   (03:38)
February 1, 2024

Social Media

Social Media   (03:27)
January 29, 2024


Initiatives   (03:28)
January 25, 2024

Romney Book

Romney Book   (03:14)
January 24, 2024


Osgood   (03:20)
January 23, 2024


Malls   (03:02)
January 22, 2024


Boeing   (03:24)
January 17, 2024

Holden: Homes

Holden: Homes   (03:01)
January 16, 2024


Genocide   (03:39)
January 15, 2024


Balint   (03:44)
January 11, 2024


Carroll   (03:21)
January 10, 2024

Cars and Stripes

Cars and Stripes   (03:28)
January 9, 2024


CO2   (03:38)
January 8, 2024


Seahawks   (02:59)
January 4, 2024

Air Collision

Air Collision   (03:56)
January 3, 2024


Christie   (03:16)
January 2, 2024


A.I.   (04:33)
December 21, 2023

University Bridge protester on Mideast conflict

University Bridge protester on Mideast conflict   (07:47)
December 21, 2023


Marvel   (03:30)
December 20, 2023

Trump and Colorado

Trump and Colorado   (03:06)
December 19, 2023


Seahawks   (02:25)
December 18, 2023


Christmas   (03:35)
December 14, 2023


Treehouse   (03:05)
December 12, 2023

When it comes to hate speech, are you with me?

Hate speech   (03:43)
December 11, 2023


Moms   (03:00)
December 11, 2023

Entertainer to a 5-year-old grandchild

Entertainer to a 5-year-old grandchild isn't easy, but it's fun!   (02:54)
December 7, 2023

Mayfield: Dictatorship

Mayfield: Dictatorship   (04:14)
December 6, 2023

Sullivan: Transfer Portal

Sullivan: Transfer Portal   (03:42)
December 5, 2023

Mayfield: Book Bans

Mayfield: Book Bans   (03:41)
December 4, 2023

Mayfield: Sports

Mayfield: Sports   (03:31)
December 1, 2023

One with 30 Zeroes

One With 30 Zeroes   (03:42)
November 30, 2023

Mayfield: Ferries

Mayfield: Ferries   (04:22)