Hour 1: How Peaceful Are Protests, Really?

12pm - SPS teacher put on administrative leave over comments on Oct. 7 attack // Google fires 28 workers after office sit-ins to protest cloud contract with Israel // Protester charged with threatening Bakersfield City Council is out of jail // Is Sen. Cotton calling for vigilante justice against protestors? // The Boston Globe reported that between May ‘20 and Sept ‘21, vehicles drove into protestors 139 times. Resulting in 3 deaths and over 100 injuries // Some women are rethinking marriage. Here’s why // Spike’s daughter’s engagement and Jake’s engagement story + song // Sexless men could cause a housing market crash? // Heather Bosch talks about how Boeing whistleblowers describe ‘criminal cover-up,’ safety risks to Senate

Published: Thursday, April 18, 2024   |   Runtime: 36:42