Michael Medved

Michael Medved

Medved: Core contradictions in MAGA world?

A glaring contradiction flourishes at the very core of the MAGA worldview. As a result, the most ardent admirers of former President Trump passionately affirm two simultaneous propositions that can’t possibly both be true.
2 years ago
plymouth, Thanksgiving...
Michael Medved

Medved: Reshaping Thanksgiving into a festival of guilt

Instead of honoring forefathers, family, and the blessings of freedom, wokesters across the country want to make Thanksgiving into an orgy of guilt.
3 years ago
Adam Smith...
KTTH staff

WA Rep. Smith wants ’emphasis on completing the mission’ in Afghanistan, not deadline

Washington Representative Adam Smith, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, joins the Michael Medved Show to discuss Afghanistan.
3 years ago
Michael Medved

Good news, and better news, for the GOP

Last month's special election in the 6th Congressional District of Texas brought good news, and even better news, for the GOP.
3 years ago
Michael Medved

Medved: Our children deserve perspective, not propaganda

Conditioned by the sophistries of Critical Race Theory and the ubiquitous propaganda of The 1619 Project, millions of Americans would feel tempted to identify the United States as slavery’s most shameless beneficiary.
3 years ago
Loren Culp, lawsuits...
MyNorthwest Staff

Medved: Loren Culp ‘not a serious candidate’ in bid to unseat Republican in Congress

What are Loren Culp's chances of unseating Republican Rep. Dan Newhouse? KTTH's Michael Medved weighs in with his thoughts.
3 years ago
MyNorthwest Staff

Medved: Vaccine resistance will destroy Republican revival

Congressmember Jim Jordan asked Dr. Anthony Fauci when masks can come off and Americans can get their freedom back. Fauci answered as soon as the level of infection in the U.S. is low enough.
3 years ago
ghost guns...
MyNorthwest Staff

Medved: Biden should take advantage of bipartisan support of gun regulations

KTTH's Michael Michael says there could actually be bipartisan support for the regulation of ghost guns if Democrats went to Congress with a bill.
3 years ago
MyNorthwest Staff

Medved says ‘Million Maskless March’ is no joking matter

KTTH's Michael Medved, who's lost a good friend to COVID-19 and has another friend very sick with the virus, says the Million Maskless March is "not a joking matter."
3 years ago
MyNorthwest Staff

Medved: Georgia’s voter bill is ridiculous, but it’s not Jim Crow

He admits it is not a great bill, but KTTH's Michael Medved says Georgia's voting legislation is absolutely not Jim Crow.
3 years ago
MyNorthwest Staff

Medved: Immigration is not a conservative or liberal issue

Michael Medved told KIRO Radio's Gee and Ursula Show that President Biden must be clear with the American people about stopping the flow of unauthorized entry into the United States.
3 years ago
MyNorthwest Staff

Anyone with an open mind would have felt encouraged by Biden’s speech

KTTH's Michael Medved said he thought President Biden did well in his Thursday night speech regarding the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
3 years ago
MyNorthwest Staff

Understand what’s in a bill before you pass it

"We need a Covid relief bill, that's for sure. Did we need one that costs $1.9 trillion and that runs on for 10 hours and 40 minutes?" Michael Medved asked. "No, I don't think we did."
3 years ago
Michael Medved

An inconvenient truth: It’s not really that close

Whenever American voters deliver a breathlessly close finish to a fiercely contested presidential race, the weary candidates inevitably squabble over recounts, lawsuits, mishandled ballots, and charges of cheating that lead to an obsessive focus on minor, innocent mistakes.
4 years ago
Michael Medved

The GOP’s challenge: The Unspeakable ‘C-Word’

Despite encouraging news in Senate and House elections scattered across the country, the 2020 returns did little to shake the GOP’s recent status as near-perennial, popular-vote, presidential losers.
4 years ago
Michael Medved

Election numbers make ‘faith based civil war’ less likely than before

During the four years of Donald Trump’s presidency, passionate partisans on both sides warned of the potential for a new civil war – a conflict based, at least in part, on differences in religious outlook.
4 years ago
Former President Bill Clinton, former first lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Vic...
Michael Medved

Campaign finance reform: Washed away in a tidal wave of money

In the midst of all the sound and fury of the campaign, you may not have noticed that Democrats have entirely abandoned one of their favorite issues of the past two decades.
4 years ago
Michael Medved

Question for Kamala: Are names ‘Lincoln’ and ‘Washington’ acceptable for schools?

San Francisco’s School Board has ordered 44 schools to settle on new names by December 18, replacing some historic figures.
4 years ago
Gov. Inslee and Former Vice President Joe Biden. (Getty Images)...
Michael Medved

Michael Medved backs both GOP, Dems in 2020 Voters Guide

Before you fill out your 2020 ballot, find out how KTTH's Michael Medved is voting in the 2020 election.
4 years ago
Michael Medved

Medved: Judge Barrett’s appointment is a triumphant masterstroke

The appointment of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court counts as a masterstroke, and easily one of the best decisions of Donald Trump’s presidency.
4 years ago
Michael Medved

Putting Trump’s diagnosis into perspective

KTTH's Michael Medved says there have been many dangerous moments for U.S. presidents in the country's history. There's an overwhelming chance that President Trump will recover from COVID-19.
4 years ago
Trump Israel...
Michael Medved

Medved: Cooperation beats confrontation in the Middle East

No accomplishment of Trump’s turbulent term has drawn more broad-based praise than recent agreements between Israel, Bahrain and United Arab Emirates.
4 years ago
Supreme Court vacancy...
Michael Medved

Medved: Is Democratic Supreme Court frenzy really about timing?

In their furious reaction to confirmation plans for a successor to the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Democrats insist it’s all about timing.
4 years ago
working from home, screen time...
Michael Medved

The dangers of mixing screen time and snack time

The conclusions of the study might seem obvious says Michael Medved, but still convey an important message about the hours we lavish on screens.
4 years ago
Michael Medved on AM 770 KTTH
  • listen to michael medvedThe Michael Medved Show formerly aired on AM 770 KTTH.